Past Events

Ball Of Rock

A fun time was had by all with the members and families rocking out until late in the evening!


Our annual midyear show wowed audiences once again showcasing the skills and talents of our members.


May, 2023

Our staff exhibition Tied/Untied ran for 6 nights, and there we got to enjoy 26 unique pieces by 20 of our unique creatives. From textile work to immersive audio experiences, canvas creations to phenomenal photography, the staff expression gave the public an opportunity to learn more about the backbone of our team!

Mid Year Show

June, 2023

Life in Colour is an extraordinary mid-year show, displaying the talent of our performing arts members! After a four-year hiatus, our participants worked hard to polish and perfect their performances, resulting in an unforgettable evening.

Sydney Disability Expo

July, 2023

Over two days we had the chance to meet and connect with hundreds of wonderful people at the Sydney Disability Expo. In doing so, we got to share more about who we are and learn what those in the community want and need.


August, 2023

With the support of the Inner West Council, Studio ARTES Members and staff created and crafted Art is for Everyone – a two-part event spanning over a fortnight.

We kicked off our exhibition as part of Creative Trails, an Inner West event that gives people the opportunity to explore creative spaces across Sydenham, Tempe, St Peters, Marrickville, Dulwich Hill, and our very own studio space!

We opened our Inner West Studio doors for a weekend of wonderful weaving & upcycling workshops, amazing artist talks and other incredible interactive experiences led by our Studio artist.

For our second event, we took things outside & across the road to EDGE, Sydenham where we transformed a shipping container into an interactive soundscape packed with sculptures, fabrics, video work, and pillows for your ultimate immersive experience.

Creative Trails

EDGE, Sydenham

Charlie and the Chocolate
Factory Ball

October, 2023

Our 2023 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Ball was an evening of pure imagination! Music from the Ministry of Rock kept us on the dance floor and performances from our members were flawless. Behind the scenes, our members and staff channelled their creativity to turn Hornsby RSL Showroom into the ultimate scrumdiddlyumptious setting.


October, 2023

Between the 15th and 21st of October, both Studios organised luncheons in honour of Carers Week 2023. There, we invited participants parents and carers and spent the afternoon getting to know one another.

Our Inner West Studio hosted a game of trivia, and we spent the afternoon answering fun questions made by our members while enjoying rice paper rolls and savoury snacks ALSO made by our participants.

Over at our Hornsby Studio, we invited our carers in for an afternoon of crafts and tarts, teas, wraps, and chats!